Toggles the gauge animation.
Specifies a string appended to the Gauge's reading.
Specifies the background color of the Gauge's bar.
The style of line ending at the gauge's end.
Specifies the duration (in milliseconds) of the Gauge's animation.
Specifies the foreground color of the Gauge's bar.
Specifies if the marker labels should be horizontal.
Specifies the text to display below the Gauge's reading.
Specifies an optional margin for the chart.
Specifies an object of marker values at which value to place a marker.
Specifies the maximum numeric value for gauge's scale.
Specifies the minimum numeric value for gauge's scale.
Specifies a string prepended to the Gauge's reading.
Specifies the thickness of the gauge's bar.
Specifies an object of threshold values at which the gauge's color changes.
Specifies the gauge's type.
Specifies the current value of the Gauge in the range specified by min and max.
Specifies the text to display inside the Gauge's bar instead of the value.
Specifies the style of the text to display inside the Gauge's bar.
<drayman-gauge />
Gauge powered by Angular Material library.
Example of usage
export const component: DraymanComponent = async ({ forceUpdate }) => { let value = Math.round(Math.random() * 100); setInterval(() => { value = Math.round(Math.random() * 100); forceUpdate(); }, 3000); return async () => { return ( <drayman-gauge type="arch" min={0} max={100} value={value} thick={35} margin={20} /> ); }; }