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Select field powered by Angular Material and ngx-mat-select-search libraries. It can render a set of provided options (by specifying options field) or load them from a remote resource (by providing loadOptions function).

Example of usage

Loading from remote resource

import axios from 'axios';

export const component: DraymanComponent = async ({ forceUpdate }) => {

    const API_KEY = ``;
    let selectedMovie;
    let movies = [];

    return () => {
        const options = {
            options: movies.map(x => ({ value: x.id, label: x.title })),
            label: 'Movie title',
            onSearchChange: async ({ value }) => {
                if (!value) {
                    movies = [];
                } else {
                    const result = await axios.get(`https://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/movie?api_key=${API_KEY}&query=${value}`);
                    movies = result.data.results;
                await forceUpdate();
            onValueChange: async ({ value }) => {
                selectedMovie = movies.find(x => x.id === value);
                await forceUpdate();
            value: selectedMovie?.id,

        return (
            <div style={{ padding: '0 30px' }}>
                <drayman-select  {...options} />
                {selectedMovie &&
                        <img src={`https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w200${selectedMovie.poster_path}`} />
                        <p><b>📅 {selectedMovie.release_date}</b></p>
                        <p><b>⭐ {selectedMovie.vote_average} / 10</b></p>
                        <p><i>📝 {selectedMovie.overview}</i></p>

Rendering provided options

export const component: DraymanComponent = async ({ forceUpdate }) => {
    let colorHex;

    return () => {
        const options = {
            label: 'Color',
            options: [
                { label: 'Red', value: '#e0091e' },
                { label: 'Green', value: '#2e8b57' },
                { label: 'Blue', value: '#3b90ff' },
            onValueChange: async ({ value }) => {
                colorHex = value;
                await forceUpdate();
            value: colorHex,

        return (
            <div style={{ padding: '0 30px' }}>
                <drayman-select  {...options} />
                {colorHex &&
                        <div style={{ backgroundColor: colorHex, width: '100px', height: '100px' }}></div>
                        <p>Selected color hex: {colorHex}</p>




Optional allowSelectionClear

allowSelectionClear: boolean

Whether clearing of the select field should be disabled.

Optional disabled

disabled: boolean

Whether the control is disabled.

Optional error

error: string

Error text to be shown underneath the form field control.

Optional helpText

helpText: string

Hint text to be shown underneath the form field control.

Optional label

label: string

The floating label for a field.

Optional multiple

multiple: boolean

Whether the user should be allowed to select multiple options.

Optional onSearchChange

onSearchChange: ElementEvent<{ value: string }>

This function can be used to override default selection search algorithm. Accepts value of the search input. Can be null. If this function is not defined, options will be filtered client-side.

Optional onValueChange

onValueChange: ElementEvent<{ value: any }>

Executed with an input value from user.

Optional options

options: { label: string; value: any }[]

Array of options that populate the select menu.

Optional placeholder

placeholder: string

The placeholder text.

Optional ref

ref: string

Optional style

style: CSS

Optional updateOnBlur

updateOnBlur: boolean

Wether value of the field should be emitted when user is blurred out of the control.

Optional value

value: any

Value of the input.